Monday, February 21, 2011

It's True~We Live in a PINK economy!

The 'mancession' gets a female boost; the growing pink economy - and FOX19 News, weather, traffic, and sports for Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky


Wall-to-wall books said...

Your Blog is hysterical!!!! I'm a fan!

Wall-to-wall books said...

Ok, I keep seeing "coming soon in my Boutique" or "for sale in my shop"
But I don't see a link to your Boutique or shop anywhere. Am I missing something?

Carolyn said...

Hello Wall-to-Wall...if you scroll down along the right side to appointment info, you'll see my business address, phone and email to reach me...i was just wondering the other day when someone would ask me this that's not familiar with where i'm located...hmmm, should I take a pic of my backyard beauty and book shop then add link to address/etc.? just may have to do that...but, it will be a bit since I'm still remodeling...SO glad you're a fan...and appreciate hearing so...just started and am enjoying writing(er, blogging)about my passions in life. I wish I had more time to give, I could blog about something everyday! lolol
p.s. Love YOUR blog and since I do, do I get extra brownie points to Win Pat Benatar's book?? Pleassse!!!! lololol just messin'
share my site...thxs! hugs and hershey's

Wall-to-wall books said...

Hahaha sorry can't give the brownie points, but love you more for askin!!!

Carolyn said...

LOL...whoop whoop...A girls' gotta do what a girls' gotta do!